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I adore how the city looks in the snow — a very clean slate

The Story Corner is a collaboration between Kensington Voice and McPherson Square Library, located at the intersection of Kensington and Indiana Avenues.

I am an adult/teen librarian at McPherson Square Library and grew up in the area. I got involved in this story corner project because I strongly believe that Kensington is more than the negativity that is reflected in the news.

It was the first snow of the winter season. I adore how the city looks in the snow — a very clean slate. If any place in the city needs a clean slate, it surely is McPherson.

I also took a picture of the footsteps in the snow. Ironically, the snow does not keep our patrons away.  This is their home, and that picture proves it.

When the snow started, I took a picture from the front steps of the branch of my favorite tree.  

Here are some different angles on the tree.

Here is a picture of the rose bushes in the front of the library.  Normally, the park is riddled with needles and other drug containers. In the summer, you can find these items in the bushes. However, on this day, the bushes were clean. The roses were still in bloom on a brisk autumn day. I am fond of roses. When I see them, I am always reminded of my high school — St. Thérèse of Lisieux  (Little Flower). Roses are her signature. It is said that she will send down roses from heaven to those in times of need. I felt her presence that afternoon and hoped that she was watching those people in the area.

What did you think about this story? Send a note to, and we’ll consider publishing it in our Voices section. You can also tell us what you think in person at our neighborhood events.

Editor: Maggie Loesch / Story Designer: Jillian Bauer-Reese / Translator: Kristine Aponte