Hi, neighbors.
Here’s your look at the new events and resources for the week. Check it out below.
Recent News
Philly launches Kensington “wellness court,” summary offense arrests to begin Wednesday
The city began its Kensington “wellness court” initiative after Mayor Cherelle Parker signed an executive order last Tuesday, allowing police to take people into custody for certain summary offenses that were decriminalized under former Mayor Jim Kenney.
Parker’s order, effective immediately, reverses Kenney’s 2016 policy, which made four summary offenses – disorderly conduct, failure to disperse, obstructing highways and other public passages, and public intoxication – punishable only by civil penalties or tickets. It names criminal trespass in place of failure to disperse. Arrests began in Kensington Wednesday.
Read more here.
News Tips
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Free Activities & Events
Jan. 27
- Crocheting activity at McPherson Square Library at 4 p.m. Local artist Katie Brown will guide participants through learning to crochet. All supplies will be provided.
- Bilingual conversation groups hosted by the Kensington Library online At 4 p.m., the library’s supervisor, Sara Palmer will lead an advanced Spanish-speaking group to build confidence and Spanish-speaking skills. Go here to fill out the interest form to join the waiting list.
- PA Career Link job search assistance at Lillian Marrero Library (601 W Lehigh Ave.) from 2 to 4:30 p.m. A Community Workforce Connector will be present to support folks with resume building, career counseling and more.
Jan. 28
- Homebuyer seminar at 1216 N. Front St. from 6 to 8 p.m. Experts will inform Attendees on how to secure a mortgage, navigate the real estate market and more. Go here to register and learn more.
Jan. 29
- Author conversation at H&H Books from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Authors Stephanie Gorton and Carrie Hagen will discuss Gorton’s book “The Icon & The Idealist,” a dual biography about activists Margeret Sanger and Mary Ware Dennett. Go here to register and learn more.
Jan. 31
- “Purple Party” hosted by Design Gym, a community architecture, textile and graphic design studio, at 179 W Berks St. from 6 to 9 p.m. Folks are invited to come dressed in purple and explore the design studio and its different resources. Go here to register and learn more.
Weekly Events
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
- Free Afterschool Program hosted by CADEkids at Mother of Mercy House (720 E Allegheny Ave.) from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The program is for youth ages eight to 14, and includes games, snacks and other activities. Go here to register and learn more.
Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Adult pickup soccer hosted by Kensington Soccer Club (KSC) and Street Soccer USA - Philly at Hartranft School(720 W Cumberland St.) from 7:30 to 9 p.m. The games are free and all skill levels are welcome.
- Free Yoga Classes hosted by Yoga 4 Philly at The CORE (3222 H St.) at 5:30 p.m. Free childcare will be provided.
Monthly Community Meetings
- Friends of McPherson meets every first Tuesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at McPherson Square Library at 601 E. Indiana Ave. Contact chalmerst@freelibrary.org for more information.
- Harrowgate Civic Association meets every first Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Heitzman Recreation Center at 3631 Amber St. Contact harrowgatecivicassociation@gmail.com for more information.
- Kensington Independent Civic Association (KICA) meets every third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Harrowgate PAL Center at 851 E. Tioga St.
- Port Richmond Neighborhood Action (PRNA) meets every third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Block Church, 2537 E. Monmouth St. For more information, email portrichmondna@gmail.com.
- Somerset Neighbors For Better Living meets every first Monday of the month (except holidays, when it meets the following Monday) online via Zoom. Contact phillysnbl@gmail.com.
- South Port Richmond Civic Association meets every second Wednesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Veteran Boxers Association Ring at 2733 E. Clearfield Street. Click here for more information.
Free Trainings
- Beyond Literacy is recruiting for its Free Pre-Apprenticeship Weatherization Program. Participants will learn trade skills such as plumbing, carpentry, and more. The program will be held at 106 W. Clearfield from February to June, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Go here to apply and learn more.
- Cantina La Martina is hiring for Front of House Staff. To apply, send a resume to cantina@cantinalamartinaphilly.com.
- Norris Square Neighborhood Project (NSNP) is hiring for multiple positions, including Semillas Futuro Instructor and Development Manager. To learn more about the organization, visit NSNP’s website.
- Energy Coordinating Agency is offering to lead energy efficiency workshops for community organizations to help residents save money on utility bills this winter. The ECA will provide an instructor and free weatherization kits for every workshop attendee. To schedule a workshop, call Tracey Mathis at 215-939-0275 or email traceym@ecasys.org.
- Esperanza Health Center offers free pregnancy testing at its Kensington(861 E. Allegheny Ave.) and Hunting Park(4417 N. 6 St.) clinics Monday through Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome and no insurance is needed.
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